The Research process
Research Objectives Research questions Selecting the type of study DAY 05 Research Objectives Research questions Selecting the type of study
Recap ….The Development process Phenomena stage Conceptualization of the study area Problem clarification stage Problem identification Problem statement Problem analysis Organizing objectives for the research Research questions Selecting the type of the research Building the Research Framework
D. Setting Objectives of the Research Identify what you want to address The causes The effects Or both
Expected problem improvement Set objectives Expected problem improvement SMART Specific M – measurable A- achievable R- reliable /realistic T – time bound
Problem and solution Problem need to be solved Objective completely partially - 25% , 50 % ……. Objective is the quantified level improvement expected of the problem situation
Revert back to your phenomena What do you want to find out Causes or effects of the problem ? This depends on the your purpose of your the research You do cause or effects or both Always remember sandwich Vs, Hamburger Write down objectives General and specific
Objectives General Main problem To identify the causes of the overcrowding of the hospital To identify the causes for nurse turnover This becomes to topic for the research Specific Contribution to the problem or effects of the problem To identify the Human resource factors causing over crowding To identify effects of the overcrowding To identify the work pressure on nurse turnover
General objective Main problem Summarize things given in the problem statement Why really you want to do this Use SMART This is the basis for the topic for the research Make the topic concise and interesting
Specific objectives Categories of causes Categories of effects Qualify and quantify SMART
Identify what you want to address The causes The effects Or both 4. Research questions Identify what you want to address The causes The effects Or both
Research Questions Relatively narrow specific delineations of what the proposed research will address Questions emerge from the researcher's topic of interest plus information gathered during the literature review.
ACTIVITY 03 Organize the following for your research of the work you have done up to now : Objectives Topic for your research Research questions WORD DOCUMENT – 250 WORDS SOFT COPY TO BE E- MAILED BY SUNDAY - BOUNDED COPY TO BE HANDED OVER BY MONDAY.
Thank you !