Tuesday September 6th Agenda We will be talking about the Quiz you took on Friday. Please have 2 sharpened pencils, your spiral notebook, your math binder/folder & your Math Minute packet with you today. We are going to work on your grade sheet today If time, we will finish talking about measurement and begin discussing exponents Homework – handout -- measurement Please begin your Math Minute
Wednesday September 7th Agenda Please have 2 sharpened pencils, your spiral notebook, your math binder/folder & your Math Minute packet with you today. I will be handing back your quiz today and we will discuss the measurement sheet you completed yesterday. Please take out your Measurement sheet from yesterday Homework – Exponent handout – page 29 only Please take out your homework and then begin your Math Minute
Thursday September 8 AGENDA No Math minute today! Instead we will work on your grade sheet. Quiz on Monday on measurement and exponents. Have 2 sharpened pencils and your math notebook and binder. Take out your homework and your grade sheet. Take your seat and record your grades on your grade sheet. They are on the top of your quiz. We will continue to work on exponents today. You will turn in Classwork Problems on exponents Homework – Exponent handout from last night—back side
Classwork Problems Label the terms in the exponential expression 6⁵ _____________ ______________ 2. Write the expression in exponential form. 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8. 3. Find the values. 4⁰ ______ 10⁴__________ 5³__________ 4. Compare using <,>, or = 2⁴____ 4² 5. Use exponents to write the number 16 two different ways.
Friday September 9 AGENDA Have 2 sharpened pencils, your math notebook and binder, your Math Minute, your homework, and colored pencils Quiz on Measurement and exponents on Tuesday. I will hand back the Classwork problems and we will discuss them. We will be doing an activity about exponents today . Leave your homework on your desk and begin your Math Minute.