Look for a Turkey Project coming home soon! November 2018 Reading Reading: 1.6.6 Retell stories and events, using beginning, middle, and end, and including key details. 1.6.4 Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions about what is being read (fiction objective). 1.7.4 Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions about what is being read (nonfiction objective). Ideas to practice these skills at home: Read at least 4 nights a week and log in your Blast Off Folder. Discuss with your child what they are reading. Work on Raz-Kid books – link can be found on our school website under resources. Writing: 1.9.3 Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation 1.8.3 Generate ideas. 1.8.4 Focus on one topic. Ideas to practice these skills at home: Give your child a daily writing prompt to practice generating ideas, writing complete sentences and staying on topic. CALENDAR November 6th – Virtual Learning Day No school for students November 9th – Spirit Day- Wear Red, White, and Blue November 12th - No School – Veteran’s Day November 14th - Report Cards are sent home November 16th - PTA Turkey Bingo November 21st – Turkey Bowl/Early Release November 22nd and 23rd – No school Birthdays Piper 9th Ben 26th Decorated Dolphins: William Lily Math 1.1.3 The student will count forward by ones, twos, fives, and tens to 120 starting at any number less than 120. 1.2.3 The student will demonstrate fluency with addition facts to 5, and the corresponding subtraction fact. 1.6.1 The student will recognize, describe, extend, and create a wide variety of growing and repeating patterns. 1.1.2 The student will group and represent a collection of up to 120 objects into tens and ones and read and write the corresponding numeral. 1.1.8 The student will compare two whole numbers between 0 and 99 using words greater than, less than, or equal to. Ideas to practice these skills at home: Have your child work on making repeating patterns with any materials you have around the house. They can practice growing patterns and counting using Spooky Sequence math on the school website under resources/first grade. This will help them count by 5’s and 10’s. Let your child practice <,> and = by giving them 2 numbers and having them place the sign in the middle of both numbers and practice reading the number sentence. REMINDER Look for a Turkey Project coming home soon! Keep an eye out for a Veteran’s Day star coming home also!