Welcome and Reminders (8-1-18) Be sure you are in the right room during the right block. 10th Lit – Room 2224 – Dr. Spruill See the roster to the right of this screen – find your name and your seat number. Desks and tables are numbered on a sticky note in the top right corner. That is your seat until we change seating assignments. **Please place your transcript and schedule review sheet on your desk.
SaT Practice #1
Classroom Expectations/Policies Handout Remind – sign up now – on the back of the handout
CIRCLE OF FRIENDS On one side of the card, write your name in the center of the card On the other side of the card, write: Top left hand corner--- most memorable part of your summer Top right hand corner—favorite movie/TV show Bottom left– One thing that you wish you could change about last year Bottom right– This semester I hope…
CIRCLE OF FRIENDS Find someone who you do not know Share the items on your card with the other person. Be sure to know the person’s name and one other thing about him/her.
CIRCLE OF FRIENDS You and your partner should now find another two people Introduce your partner from round 1 to the new “friends” in your circle. Share one other thing on your card with the new people in your circle of friends.
Letter to my younger Self As we read together: Mark words that are unfamiliar to you What questions do you want to ask the author? Write them down. Reading Purpose Questions: What lessons does the author share? What does the author do to connect you to his/her personal story? Author’s Choices? What does the author do in his/her writing? HW: Write your own letter to your younger self. You must include at least 3 of the writing ‘choices’ that the author used. Please leave your yellow index cards in the black basket on your way out the door!
Final Thoughts (If time) Index Card Response (to turn in) I came to class expecting… I learned… One question I have is…