DOT Research Benefits All Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department System Information & Research Division - Research Section Rice Hull Ash Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) Mitigation #8 Sieve #325 Sieve Interstate 49 Extensive ASR damage Research Project (MBTC4000) Barrier wall sections Pavement sections Construction Project (BB0409) Barrier wall replacement Pavement patching Diamond grinding/shot blasting 100% silane treatment In-House Research SINAK test section Expansion monitoring 2 days BB0409 Job Limits 14 days Effects on Concrete Longer initial set time Comparable final set time Higher water requirement No change in heat of hydration Increased pumpability Decreased finishabilty Increased strength (early & long-term) Reduced permeability Benefits Decreased Freeze/Thaw Susceptibility Increased chloride and sulfate resistance Increased abrasion resistance Approximately 1/3 the bulk weight of Portland cement Economic substitute for fly ash ASR mitigation properties Other Research Projects Culvert Rover Culvert inspections Product evaluation TRC1602 – Examining the Required Cement Content Cementitious material content reduction Class C fly ash replacement of Portland cement Evaluation of admixtures W/C ratio Air content Strength Testing