By:Dezarae Jordan Mr. Gorden’s 5 period 12/5/14 Strength Of Glues By:Dezarae Jordan Mr. Gorden’s 5 period 12/5/14
Scientific Question What type of glue can hold the the most weight? V.S.
Background I chose this project because my brother had a project and couldn’t figure out what glue to use. I told him I will find and tell him later.That is why I picked this project.
Hypothesis If i test which glue can hold the most weight than, Wood-Glue would hold more weight.
Variables Independent:Types of glue Dependent: weight held Constants:Amount of glue, Same type of wood, height
procedure 1.)Glue one piece of 5-8cm onto the center of a larger piece of wood.2.)drill a hole into the small piece of wood.3.)attach string to the bucket.4.)put string through hole.5.)add weight to bucket.6.)measure weight held on a scale.7.)repeat.
Data glue weight held wood glue 15.5 pounds super glue 17 pounds
conclusion The question asked what type of glue can hold the most weight super glue or wood glue.For the experiment I attached string to a bucket and the wood. Then added weight to the bucket until the wood split.I looked to see which wood held the most weight.I saw that wood glue worked better.Therefore my hypothesis is incorrect.If i did this experiment again i would use a different type of wood and see if the wood matters.