We hope you had a good ride here ! Welcome to Bremen We hope you had a good ride here !
presentation sequence (about the Infrastructure of bremen) General data about Bremen The capital. The population. Air and maritime transport The airport of Bremen. The sea harbor in Bremerhaven. BSAG – Bremer Straßenbahn AG Public transportation of Bremen. Their transport network. The roads of Bremen forexample the Higway Different kinds. Map of the bicycle network. Baris The Taxi Call Bremen The different kinds. The telephone number.
General Dates about bremen Bremen is a separate city-state Square Size: 325,42 km² Population: 548.319 (was December) Fabian
The Map of Bremen and Bremerhaven Our actual location Our school Baris Bremen
Air and maritime transport Ryanair is a flightcompany of Bremen and has an own terminal The airport is locatet in Bremen and is 314 ha tall The tourisim has grown by 2,4 percent this year to previous year Marc The best known airlines are acting with the Bremen airport are
Air and maritime transport Baris
Air and maritime transport The maritim transport is located in Bremerhaven. The port is the second lagrgest German and the fourth largest universal port. 6. Million container units and approximately 2.1 Million cars shipped to other countrys last year. Marc
BSAG – Bremer StraßENBAHN aG (Bremen Tram Companay) The new Bombadier tram. The older street railways from the year 2007. Baris
BSAG – Bremer StraßENBAHN aG (Bremen Tram Companay) One of the most economic buses Solaris hybrid bus wich runs of electricty and diesel. The new MAN bus. From the year 2010 Baris
General date abot the BSAG The corporation oparates a large part of the public transport Over 114,7km of rails length They have 8 differet tram lines and 44 different bus lines Fabian In 1892, the first electric tramway put into operation
The Tram & Bus Network Fabian
The various roads of Bremen Bremen has: Country roads Highways Lanes Marc Bicycle routes
Bremens bicycle routes Bremen has one of the most popular cycling routes. They are space 5 in the category bicycle frendly city. One of the famous route of the cycler the „Weser“ tour (drive along the „Weser“). Baris 36 km
The Taxi agency of bremen Fabian
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