DO NOW: On your paper, draw a venn diagram (below). Looking at your notes, complete the diagram. Be prepared to share your answers. Locke and Hobbes shared ideas Locke Only Hobbes Only
Rousseau – Social Contract 2.0 Advocates for people choosing their own government Builds on Hobbes Social Contract to mean instead of an absolute monarch that it should be the people picking their government Agrees with Locke that the only legitimate government comes from the consent of the governed
Voltaire: Combat Intolerance Used satire (point out the flaws with humor) against the clergy, aristocracy, and government. He fought for tolerance, reason, and freedom of speech and religion. Role of the government is to protect people’s rights
Montesquieu (montaSkew): Separation of Powers Believed Britain was the best governed country of his time because they divided power. separation of powers – split the government into 3 branches Checks and balances - He proposed that separation of powers kept any group from becoming too powerful His thoughts became the basis for the US Constitution.
Beccaria: Promoter of Criminal Justice Laws exist to keep order, not avenge crimes. Argued for a speedy trial and no torture; punishment should be equal to the crime. A RATIONAL PERSON WOULD AVOID THE CRIME Government should provide the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Influenced criminal law in Europe and North America.
Legacy of the enlightenment While not revolutionaries, these philosophers inspired the American and French Revolutions. Left a belief in progress, the end of slavery, social equality, and democratic government. Importance of the individual Use reason to determine right from wrong. The idea that a government exists to help the people.
Philosopher Comparison Pull up word document from t drive