Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Pinnipeds Pinnipeds T/F Whales Whales T/F $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 What are the 3 types of pinnipeds Seals, sea lions and walruses
1 - $200 How do they swim? Which is the fastest? With flippers. Sea lions
1 - $300 How do theta stay warm? Blubber or fur
1 - $400 Which pinnipeds has tusks? Walruses
1 - $500 Which pinnipeds has flippers that move freely? Sea lions
2 - $100 Their main diet is fish and squid True
2 - $200 Pinnipeds slap the water with their flippers to warn of predators True
2 - $300 Seals have earflaps. False
2 - $400 Sea lions don‘t have fur False
2 - $500 The pinnipeds live in only cold water. False
3 - $100 What are the two types of whales? Baleen and toothed
3 - $200 What are flukes? The lobes of the tail
3 - $300 How do whales differ in how they eat? Baleen filter feed, toothed hunt
3 - $400 Which type of whale lives in large pods? Toothed
3 - $500 Baleen whales have how many blowholes? 2
4 - $100 Dolphins are a type of whale True
4 - $200 Whales lay eggs False
4 - $300 Whales sing to communicate and to attract a mate. False
4 - $400 Whales evolved from fish False
4 - $500 The largest whale is the minke False
Final Jeopardy What are the 5 characteristics of mammals? Live young Have hair Make milk Warm blooded Have spines