Chapter 12 Section 1 notes The Eastern Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire The capital was Constantinople “The city of Constantine”
Justinian Justinian and his wife Theodora tried to restore the Roman empire through military action He codified laws now called the Justinian Code Justinian also had the Hagia Sofia(a church) built
Byzantine Culture The Emperor was considered a priest- king (Linking Politics and Religion) Christianity influenced all aspects of life including the Arts (Much of the Art was biblical in nature) Mosaics were a common artistic expression used
The first Church split The empire was becoming more Greek than Roman Controversy emerged over the use of Icons, paintings and sculptures of sacred figures, in the practice of Christianity Some thought the use of Icons were too close to idol worship (Iconoclasts) this included the Byzantine Emperor Leo III who forbid the use of Icons There was also dispute about the role of the Pope In 1054 differences led to a Schism or split between the churches creating two distinct churches,the Orthodox church in the east and the Western church remained the Roman Catholic Church
The Empire doesn’t strike back Muslims were a constant threat to the empire The Empire has some internal weakness as a result of two different views and cultures emerging The government in Constantinople was made of well educated, aristocrats they wanted to expand government and restrain military In the provinces the people wanted to expand the military to protect against invading forces The differences weakened the empire and Muslim Turks took over including Constantinople in 1453