Variation From the Old Poor Law System Examples of other forms of relief The Salvation Army it was a charitable social scheme started in 1884. Blackfriars shelter offered a free breakfast if they attend an Army church service. They later opened night shelters, lodging houses or 'metropoles‘, cheap food depots; labour factories known as 'Elevators' where the destitute could earn shelter through work, workshops for unemployed carpenters and tradesmen, farm colonies e.t.c. Common lodging houses it was for anyone who could pay four pence or sixpence it was also known as a doss-house or kip-house common lodging houses did not demand hard labour or participation in a religious service in return for food and a bed. people stayed nightly and acted as a form oh “hotel”. The Providence Row Night Refuge for Deserving Men, Women and Children. It was a Roman Catholic institution established in 1860. its accommodation included sitting rooms, well-fitted lavatories, and a large footbath. Inmates were provided with bread and cocoa each night and morning, and a meat dinner was given Sundays. Only those who could supply the name of a referee who could vouch for their character and they could only stay up to three weeks
In general There are many other variations from the system but they are very similar to the examples. The main variation from the workhouses, poorhouses and houses of correction is the method of “payment”. Some independent establishments ask directly for money, require the person to attend a religious service or exchange labour for a bed. the independent establishments are also all optional. Were they a success? Even though the places were not owned necessarily by the parishes in some places they were not the better option. The conditions in some of the places were not always better than the workhouses, poorhouses and houses of correction and they still faced the same problems like money shortages and overcrowding.