Flexible thinking We are learning to understand that people may say things that mean something different from what we thought they meant We are learning to figure out why people might do something that we don't immediately understand. We are learning to think about what other people might need or want; this might mean not getting our own way. We are learning that sometimes things have to happen in a different order or different way than we are used to.
Social Thinking=Flexible Thinking Everyone has different thoughts and feelings and may look at situations in different ways. When we use our social thinking brains to think in different ways, we are using ‘flexible thinking.’ Flexible thinking activities. Walk to cafeteria Go to Science room - point out that there are different ways of getting to the same places - these are examples of using our flexible brains in multiple ways to do the same thing Ask pupils to set up a game. Does it matter whether you decide who is which counter first or whether you put the board out first?
Complete ‘identifying ways to think and be flexible’ worksheet
Refer to page 13
Refer to page 14
Refer to page 16
Refer to page 18
When we are flexible, things tend to go smoother! Remember - it’s expected that you try to be flexible when you are with someone else. When we are flexible, things tend to go smoother! Being a flexible thinker Flexible thinking Stuck thinking Thinking of others Just Me person People feel good People feel tense, frustrated, mad or sad We get things done Situation is difficult, we don’t get things done Expected behaviour Unexpected behaviour
M - dealing with things that I find tricky P - organisation/homework