MODALS A modal verb adds meaning to verbs. can could will may might (See p. 2 of your ELP booklet!) I swim. I can swim. I saw my father. I may see my father.
MODALS After a modal verb, we normally use: Base form Be + Present Participle (we’ll talk about on Friday) I can swim. I may see my father. I may be watching TV when you come.
MODALS Some students want to use “to” after a modal. This is incorrect. I can to swim. You can to see many people. I can swim. You can see many people.
MODALS Some expressions have BE. Don’t forget them! Be supposed to Be able to Be allowed to (Be permitted to) I supposed to leave. I able to go now? I am supposed to leave. Am I able to go now?
MODALS Be careful making questions with modals: W Word + Modal + S + V How can I help? Where can I find the answer? Can I leave now? Can he swim?
MODALS We teach modals in grammar, but they’re more like special vocabulary. This week, we will learn different modals that you can use. Modals of: Possibility Necessity Expectation Advice Suggestion Ability/Possibility Probability Logical conclusion