QQ: What are physical properties? 2) List as many physical properties as you can. 3) If the density of a diamond is 3.5 g/cm3 , what would be the mass of a diamond whose volume is .5 cm3 ?
Today’s objective: I am able to chose an appropriate project.
Vocabulary Cards & Quick on Socrative.com Due now: Vocabulary Cards & Quick on Socrative.com
First Marking Period Project Due Tuesday 2/21: First Marking Period Project Dwilsonscienceandmath.weebly.com
Project Requirements: Research a subject that is complicated enough to be studied in a high school class Decide on the type of project you want to do… i.e. an experiment, demonstration, paper, power point, model, etc. Describe your choice on the back of the rubric and submit to instructor for approval ASAP
Use rubric as guide while completing the project & grade yourself on it before turning it in WITH your project Write a learning summary describing your experience with this project. Discuss: Why you chose the topic…what experiences have you had or wondered about or made you find this topic interesting?
Why did you chose the way your topic was presented…why did you pick a power point, or a paper, or an experiment? Was it fun or boring? Too easy or too difficult? What was the best part? The hardest part? Would you recommend it to someone else? Why? Discuss your experience like you telling a friend about it. It should be at least 2 FULL paragraphs long
The Rubric Project Poker
4th period: KVJSBJ