Development Permit Application Process NIAGARA ESCARPMENT Development Permit Application Process
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW Background/Legislative and Regulatory Framework Site Specific Information Development Permit Application Process
BACKGROUND: LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Development Control and the Development Permit system initiated in 1975, pursuant to the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act (NEPDA). Development consists of any constructions, demolitions, site alterations and lot creation, including a change in the use of any land, building or structure. NEPDA prescribes requirement for a Development Permit (DP). NEPDA prescribes penalties for undertaking development without a DP.
BACKGROUND: LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK NEPDA prescribes that no permits, approvals, etc. shall be issued under any other Act or Regulations until a DP has been issued. Ontario Regulation 828/90, as amended stipulates that certain classes of development would be exempt from requiring a Development Permit, subject to meeting specific conditions.
SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION Niagara Escarpment Plan Designations Is the property in the Niagara Escarpment Plan area? Is the property within the area of Development Control? What are the permitted uses? What are the future plans for the property? How is the property currently utilized? Is the property currently in compliance with the NEPDA? Development Control
ACCESS TO INFORMATION Online interactive mapping tool NEC Open Datasets Niagara Escarpment Plan Boundary. Niagara Escarpment Land Use Designations. Niagara Escarpment Minor Urban Centres. Niagara Escarpment Special Policy Area. Niagara Escarpment Parks and Open Space System (NEPOSS). Accessed at: Enter “Niagara Escarpment” in search bar. Find/choose the dataset. Redirected to the LIO Metadata Management Tool. In the metadata record there is a link to download the data. Call the responsible NEC Planner or Municipal Planner
DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Application Submitted to NEC Office 6A. Director Approval (if within delegated authority) 6B. To Commission for Decision OR 2. NEC Review for Completeness 7. Notice of Decision (14 Day Appeal Period) 3. Notice posted on property. Circulated to agencies, municipalities, indigenous communities for comment 7A. No Appeals 7B. Appealed 8. Decision Confirmed Permit issued Conditional approval Refused (file closed) 9. Environmental Review Tribunal (Niagara Escarpment Hearing Office) 4. NEC site visit, work with commenting agencies & applicant 10. NE & Hearing Officer disagree – Minister makes decision 11. NE & Hearing Officer agree – decision final 5. Planning Report Prepared
THANK YOU For more information: Visit: Email: NEC staff can attend events for your organization if you need more in depth info about the NEP.