Tetrahedral Carbons C2H6
Planar Carbon CH3CHO
Substitution Reactions Tetrahedral Tetrahedral Planar Planar
Addition Reactions Planar Tetrahedral
Elimination Reaction Tetrahedral Planar
Alkanes Ketones Alkenes Alcohol Ester Aldehyde Acid Sodium Salt Sodium HCl H 2 /Ni Sodium Salt Cl U.V. light Ester Sodium Salt + A l cohol Na Acid Alcohol NaOH Al O 3 KEY Addition Reactions Substitution Reactions Redox Reactions Elimination Reactions Reactions of Acids Ketones H 2 O Alcohol Aldehyde Acid Oxidation Reduction Na Cr 7 and H + /Ni Magnesium Salt Sodium Salt Mg NaOH CO 3 Chloroalkanes Alkenes Alkanes Polymers Reduction H 2 /Ni