Ensuring Access to Data and Information - Capacity Building for Tropical Diseases Lester Chitsulo Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland Permanent Access to Scientific Information in Southern Africa An International Workshop 5-7 September 2005, Pretoria, South Africa
To give an overview of Tropical Diseases Research (TDR) programme To discuss capacity building efforts for ensuring that data and information from research are accurate, reproducible, robust and are disseminated Purpose of this presentation
TDR Objectives To support research to improve and/or develop new tools for preventing, diagnosing, treating, and controlling neglected infectious diseases To strengthen the capacity of disease endemic countries to undertake the research required for disease control
TDR Disease Portfolio African trypanosomiasis Chagas disease Dengue Leishmaniasis Leprosy Lymphatic filariasis Malaria Onchocerciasis Schistosomiasis Tuberculosis.
Disease Coordinator 1 Disease Coordinator 2 Disease Coordinator 3 Disease Coordinator n Director PPM SDR PDE IRMRCS LDCs RCS-Plus TDR Structure SSK
TDR Disease Strategic Emphases Matrix
DIR SDR SEBBCVPAGGDR PDE CPR PDT 1PDT 2PDT 3PDT 4 DRD PDT 1PDT 2 IRM IR PDT 1PDT 2 RCS RSG R&D Project 1 R&D Project 2 Course 1 MIM TDR works through Committee Structures with External Advisors 20+ persons 200+ persons
TDR Support Collaborative research grants – tenable globally Research capacity strengthening grants for disease endemic countries Research training grants, including career development fellowships Re-entry grants Project specific training, good practices Establishment of networks Access to scientific literature and communications – hardware, software and training
Institution Regional approaches N-S & S-S partnerhips ` Degree training Group training Re-entry Individual R&D-driven projects Programme-based Regional networks Small grants Global networks MIM/TDR Partnership grants Capacity Building Support Research self-reliance mapping grants (supply and demand) ApproachApproach Research systems Capacity building approaches
Training in project planning and management
Capacity building in Research Ethics
is a global network for developing ethical review and promote ethical and scientific values in biomedical research FERCAP FLACEIS FECCIS PABIN FOCUS SIDCER
Quality Practice in basic biomedical research Data from basic research must be reliable in order to ensure a solid basis for decision making Fully described experimental conditions and properly collected and recorded data will ensure reproducibility and avoid controversies QPBBR is concerned with the way the research work is organised, performed, reported and supervised It is a non-regulatory quality guidance for researchers in basic biomedical research
Good Laboratory Practices
Laboratory Assessment SOPs Training Good Clinical Practices
CLINICAL DATA MANAGEMENT Training in clinical data management 8 Clinical data management centres –China, Colombia, Ethiopia, India (2), Japan (2), and Thailand –To ensure production of high quality databases that meet clinical and regulatory requirements WHO/TDR Annual Meeting on Clinical Data Management, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, September 26-28,
Strengthening of DEC medical journals FAME -
Improving access to scientific information Disease Watch
Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM). Reagents Communication Research grants Coordination
Biggest global malaria conference Major participation of African scientists (> 1500) Strong interface with malaria control Important malaria advocacy event TDR sponsored symposia on R & D innovation in Africa
Partnerships for MSc programmes L'Universite D'Abomey-CalaviI
Centers of excellence for applied genomics Latin American Course on Bioinformatics for Tropical Disease Research South African National Bioinformatics Institute FIOCRUZ
We should build capacity that insures that data and information from tropical diseases research are accurate, reproducible and accessible. Thank you for the opportunity to share ideas with you. Conclusion