Capital City Nassau (222,000) Population: 320,000 Land Area: 3,864 sq miles Latitude/Longitude: 24ºN, 76ºW
Interesting Facts wide-spread archipelago that includes over 700 islands, only 40 are inhabited. The Bahamas is a Christian country with the largest number of churches per capita in the world. In 2001, The Baha Men won a Grammy Award for their hit Who Let the Dogs Out.
On 12 October 1492 Columbus landed on a Bahamian island which he named San Salvador (the savior). The Bahamas was originally used as a slave trading headquarters. 75°F Winter; 88°F Summer clearest waters in the Caribbean
The Bermuda Triangle Strange occurrences
Food Seafood is the staple of the Bahamian diet Conch is a large type of ocean mollusk that has firm, white, peach-fringed meat. The Bahamian "rock lobster" is a spiny variety without claws boiled or baked land crabs Fresh fish peas 'n' rice