Phase one demonstration I will take you through a simple walk throught Nick Rabbets Managing Director - TRICS Consortium Limited
System login Goto – and select ‘Members’
System login Complete you User Name and Password – Do not forget to select the IPR box
System login Select ‘TRICS Online’ to open Database This is the main Members Area where you can change User Names, Passwords etc.
Database start screen 2 Here is the main Database screen You will see the Main action Icons on the top bar, some of which are greyed out at this point in time, as they can’t be actioned from this screen Click 1 – For those Members with multiple regional licences, this is where you select which database you are going to examine. For those with only NZ and Aus this will automatically be on the correct database. Click 2 – In the first instance I will just go through some simple examination steps – So I will go to the ‘List Sites’ option
3 List Sites The Australasian Database currently has nine main land-use options, numbered 21 to 29. The numbering ensures there are no issues with regard to the separate regional databases. Click 1 - By selecting the ‘Main Land Use’ box you can select other land uses to investigate. I’m going to select Residential and a sub Land Use of Dwelling Click 2 - As you see there are over three pages of sites within the database for this particular use. Click 3 - If we now look at the ‘Map’ Icon it will take you to a map of all the sites within the selected Sub Land Use
4 Mapping screen At this scale the mapping screen shows a total of 76 site surveys throughout the region. Click 1 - The Green highlighted area of the box indicates there are 11 sites within Australia and these are listed in the table below. Selecting New Zealand from this table updates the box to list the sites from NZ. You can go to an individual site by selecting either the pin on the map or clicking the site reference within the table. Click 2 – This screen is much better when you start to zoom in and see the locations of each site. Click 3 – And then to a single site location, which is made even better when ‘Satellite’ is selected Never Use the BACK or FORWARD Browser buttons. Only use the buttons within the Database, so to go back to the original list of sites you would select the “Return” Icon. However, in this case we are going to just click the Map Flag to go to that particular site.
Site details screen – locational details The Locational Details Screen outlines the information regarding the site’s location. The individual screen are displayed on the left hand side, with the current screen highlighted green and the other available screens highlighted blue. The greyed out areas are screens for the phase two development when additional information will be provided.
Site details screen – development units The Development Units Screen gives detailed information about what the development comprises of
Site details screen – survey days Survey Days screen outlines the survey information for that particular site. You will not from this particular site we have three days worth of surveys with the Wednesday being displayed. Selecting the radio buttons changes the day ad thus the information provided
Trip rate calculation – filtering process 2 Trip rate calculation – filtering process The first filtering stage is the selection of the Land Use – We are going to undertake a Trip Rate Calculation for a Retail Super market here and select a Trip Rate for vehicles only. As for the purposes of this demonstration there are more surveys undertaken with this type of survey. Click 1 – Select ‘Next’ from the Left Progress bar to take you to the Primary Filtering Stage. Click 2 – here you will see that we have decided to select GFA as the Trip Rate Parameter, we have filtered our chosen sites to 2,000 to 6,000 m² and we have taken out the Saturday.
Trip rate calculation – calculation process 3 Trip rate calculation – calculation process As you can see the Secondary Filtering Stage does not contain any really useful information at this stage, as none of the Historic Surveys contained information about population density. However – you will now see that the four boxes below the Secondary Filtering Box are selectable. Click 1 - Selecting the Filtering Summary Box shows you all of the processes you have gone through to get to the set sites selected. This will become more critical as the data becomes more detailed. Click 2 – To go back to the main screen always Select “Return”. DO NOT USE THE INTERNET BROWSER BUTTONS Click 3 – Now we are back at the Main Calculation Screen
Trip rate calculation – site selection By Selecting the Site Selection button you can see all of the sites that have been included within your dataset after the filtering process. Click 1 – By selecting the Additional Columns button I have decided to include GFA as a display parameter within the table. From this page you can click on any of the selected site to take you to the Site information screens we saw earlier Investigation of the sites in a bit more detail will enable you to decide whether to manually remove a site due to it not meeting your requirements.
Trip rate calculation – survey selection We now move to the Survey Selection screen where you can see the survey times undertaken and dates of the surveys. Now – I note from this screen that a number of the selected surveys appear to be from the same site. To selected these surveys may very well skew the trip rate so I investigated to make sure they were actually the same site and I have now manually removed them. You will see that the tick boxes are deselected and it has also asked me to give a reason for their deselection. This tries to ensure that everyone looking at this data output is aware of why sites have been removed.
Trip rate calculation – Calculate trip rate Now we move to the Trip rate Calculation screen. Due to the nature of the historic surveys within the TDB Database we have had to create a period selection system to enable an average Trip Rate to be calculated. Once we start to collect 12 hour data this section of the system will be considerably different. However, at this stage of development we have to select a suitable time period. From the survey selection screen you will have noted that there were survey times displayed, this information will give you an idea of the times available for selection. I noted that a period of 15:00 to 18:00 was contained for the majority of the surveys so I will select this time frame for this demonstration. Click 1 – You can see from this screen that the calculation has selected five of the selected sites and has calculated an average Trip rate per 100m² Click 2 – by selecting the print Icon you can then print off your trip rate calculations to a pdf file.