Transition from Trading Partner to Possession Growth of the Slave Trade Progress in Africa after the Slave Trade Transition in Africa Gathering-based economy Unification of Africa Modernization of Africa Education and Representation in Africa
Transition from Trading Partner to Possession Opening the Interior Increased Trade European Exploration Lake Victoria David Livingstone Victoria Falls Henry Stanley
Transition from Trading Partner to Possession Early Christian Outreach British Missionaries Robert Moffat Missionary societies Samuel Ajayi Crowther
Transition from Trading Partner to Possession Early Colonization of Africa Portugal Britain France
Partitioning of Africa for Imperialism European Motives Economic Trade Raw materials Naturalistic Religious Racist
Partitioning of Africa for Imperialism The Scramble Phase One Treaties with African rulers Phase Two Treaties among European nations Berlin Conference
Partitioning of Africa for Imperialism The Scramble African Reaction Phase Three: Arrival of ships and troops Submission Alliance Usually offered no protection to Africans Confrontation Diplomacy Armed resistance
Consequences of Imperialism Political Peace and Stability—At a Price Formation of New African States Development of Political Organization Development of Professional Armies Delayed Development
Consequences of Imperialism Economic Positive Modern infrastructure Improved farming methods Value of land increased Money-based economy and banking
Consequences of Imperialism Economic Negative Uneven distribution of development Africans denied chance to develop their own industry and technology Concentration on cash crops Ending of inter-African trade Underdeveloped and underfunded system
Consequences of Imperialism Social Positive Population growth Urbanization Spread of religion and education New social order
Consequences of Imperialism Social Negative Gaps between urban and rural areas Downgraded status of African women Opposition to anything African