Verification Concepts for SysmL v2 David Haines, Boeing Brian Selvy, LSST 12/21/16 revision
Very Simplified Model – 12/14/16
Model Expanded with Verification Case– 12/14/16 Discussion regarding the inclusion of Verification Environment
Refined Model – 12/21/16
Refined Model – 12/21/16 Specification vs. Realization vs. Evaluation Verification Activity Execution Realization Evaluation
Refinement of Key Concepts – 12/21/16
Definitions – Updated 12/21/16 (1 of 2)
Definitions – Updated 12/21/16 (2 of 2)
Integration and Verification
AIV Pattern Output Objects Input Objects Verification (Next Slide) Transformation Processes Integration Processes
An AIV Example from LSST (in Visio)
An Incomplete example from LSST (in EA)
An Incomplete example from LSST (in EA) Shows assembly and integration steps. Does not yet include verification activities.
Initial Proposal
Proposed Update – presented 10/26/16
Proposed 10/26/16 Update Highlights Maintains the Problem Space vs. Solution Space paradigm previously discussed Covers known aspects of a verification program through the full project life cycle for complex systems development. Tailorable to smaller, more commercial and agile projects by not using all detailed elements The verification concepts can be used recursively moving up the right hand side of the Vee Open Items Define the relationships between the verification domain and requirements domain at various levels of abstraction Review the Assembly, Integration, and Verification (AIV) concepts (next slides) and ensure relationships and diagram types support the needs Address if anything additional is needed for validation. To first order, the defined concepts should cover the needs of validation, as the environment elements can be appropriately defined to address validation May require some unique connector types?
Revised Update – presented 11/23/16
11/23/16 Update Notes Comments from 10/26 meeting: See if there can be some refactoring to simplify the concepts related to Constraint Evaluation in the baseline concept with verification results, verification success criteria, and verification outcomes 11/23/16: Constraint Evaluation is worked into the Verification Concepts. It is noted that it is not sufficient for many verification evaluations, and the updated concept captures that. Include test operators as an environmental element along with test equipment, test facilities, etc. These correspond to verification components in the baseline concept 11/23/16: Actors have been included as a valid type of environmental element. Actors may go beyond just test operators (test operators/performers, evaluators/QA, etc). The blocks may represent test equipment, test facilities, software, scripts, etc). The intent is to keep the definitions somewhat general as the types of environmental elements may be very specific to the project. Clarify how verification objectives relate to the other concepts The concept of a Verification Objective has been included in the overall concept. The Verification Objective is an overall narrative statement describing the “executive summary” of how all the defined verification methods as a collective whole will verify the requirement. Add a reference from the verification context to the component realization to reflect the unit under test/verification Added to the diagram. Additional relationships that are relevant from the requirement connector work of Rick & Brian have also been added.