1600-1750 The Concert by Theodoor Rombouts courtesy of www.cummer.org The Baroque Period
What does “baroque” mean? “barocco” = Italian for “imperfect pearl” This refers to a period that is bizarre, extravagant, complex, embellished
How were composers employed? The Patronage System Photo courtesy of www.bukisa.com
How did a composer’s employment affect his music? Had to please his employer Had to write music for a specific occasion
Where were the centers of musical development? Italy Germany (Holy Roman Empire) Photos courtesy of www.metmuseum.org and www.wikipedia.org
J. S. Bach Photo courtesy of www.wikipedia.org
Antonio Vivaldi Photo courtesy of www.listal.com
George Fridrich Handel Image courtesy of www.wikipedia.org
Finish the sentence “Music which is melodious yet so . . . constructed as to reflect the ‘perfect order’ of the universe; that is the essence of the Baroque.”