Social Media Cha Xiong
Social Media Websites Websites Programs Programs Skype World Of War craft
Impact On Hiring Facebook Gives out information that you wrote. Allows you to look at information. Allows people to access you. Allows people to find you Allows people to see what you are doing Personal Information Like You followed groups
Impact On Hiring Twitter Gives out information that you wrote Allows people to access you Allows people to see what you are doing See who you follow See who you like You groups Personal Information
Impact On Hiring MySpace Gives out information that you wrote. Allows you to look at information. Allows people to access you. Allows people to find you Allows people to see what you are doing Personal Information
Impact On Hiring Hi5 Gives out information that you wrote. Allows you to look at information. Allows people to access you. Allows people to find you Personal Information
Impact On Hiring YouTube Your videos Your comments Your likes Your dislikes Your subscribes
Impact On Hiring LinkedIn Gives out information that you wrote. Allows you to look at information. Allows people to access you. Allows people to find you Personal Information
Impact On Hiring Skype Video chatting Face to Face Text chat Mobile
Impact On Hiring World Of War craft Your gaming How long you play Style Way you talk
Impact On Work Ethic Facebook Allows people to see your mood Allows people to read your status See what you are up to Inspiring status by friends People use to much and too long Groups that you join The games that you play
Impact On Work Ethic Twitter People that you follow Your tweets People can see how you feel like Friends can inspire you People use too much and too long Your groups
Impact On Work Ethic MySpace Allows people to see your mood Other people can see what your status is See what you are up to Games that you play
Impact On Work Ethic Hi5 Allows people to see your mood Allows people to read your status See what you are up to People can see how you feel like
Impact On Work Ethic YouTube You video blogging Your videos Language Your recommend videos
Impact On Work Ethic LinkedIn Allows people to see your mood Allows people to read your status See what you are up to What you are doing
Impact On Work Ethic Skype Allows the other person to see you See your background The text chat that you sent How often you check on them
Impact On Work Ethic World Of War craft How long you play How many times you play a day What level you are on
Finding Employees Facebook Allows to see what you like Allows to see what you did in school Allows to see previous experiences Your follows Your personal background Your friends
Finding Employees Twitter See who follow See who your friends are See what you like and do Your followers
Finding Employees MySpace The things that you like Your personal page Your background The games Friends
Finding Employees Hi5 The things that you like Your personal page Your background Friends
Finding Employees YouTube What you videos are like What the comments say How many videos you have Friends
Finding Employees LinkedIn Allows to see what you like Your personal background Your friends Personal Page
Finding Employees Skype The way you act The way you talk The way you do things The way you spell
Finding Employees World Of War craft Master Gamer Helpful Obedient Kind Report hacks/glitches Report the bad guys