World War I
Sinking of the Lusitania German submarine sank the British passenger liner Lusitania in 1915 (128 Americans onboard). Sussex Pledge – Germany would no longer sink passenger or merchant ships without warning.
How is the sinking of The Lusitania used to gain support for the war?
1917-An Eventful Year Germany announced a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare and said it would attack any ship heading into allied ports. WHY would Germany openly announce this? Germany knew this would bring the US into the war, but thought its U-boats could break the blockade before the US could get troops to the battlefield.
Tensions Increase US broke diplomatic relations with Germany. German foreign secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, wrote a letter to Mexico promising them support in regaining their “lost territories” in the southwestern United States if they joined forces with Germany This was known as the Zimmerman Note
In March of 1917 the Russian Revolution overthrew the Czar. More democratic forces would take control in Russia. If the US went to war it would be joining an alliance of democratic nations.
Arguments For/Against War Primary Source Activity
Events in Europe
Trench Warfare Analyze the following pictures to determine: What advantages and disadvantages are there to trench warfare? Why did the US employ a tactic like this?