Principal and Vice Principal Appreciation Day!
When? October 16th is principal and vice principal appreciation day. This is a day for us to let our administrators know how much we appreciate everything they do for us and thank them.
What do you have to be thankful for? Turn and talk with the person next to you and come up with one thing you could thank Mr. Goetz for and one thing you can thank Mr. Holley for. Mr. Goetz thank you for always being in the hallway greeting us every morning. (Susie Smith) Mr. Holley thank you for stopping in my classroom and talking with me about what I am are learning. (John Doe)
So how will we thank them? Talking Partners…One of you make a thank you strip for Mr. Goetz on the strip of paper your teacher will provide you and the other partner makes a thank you strip for Mr. Holley. Mr. Goetz thank you for always being in the hallway greeting us every morning. (Susie Smith) Mr. Holley thank you for stopping in my classroom and talking with me about what I am are learning. (John Doe)
Make your sign of Appreciation! Use a markers, colored pencils or a pen! * Make it look nice *Write large enough *Sign your name *Add a picture * Be creative *Write neatly Mr. Goetz thank you for always being in the hallway greeting us every morning. (Susie Smith) Mr. Holley thank you for stopping in my classroom and talking with me about what I am are learning. (John Doe)