Imperialism in India
British East India Company A British companies who wanted to make money in India British officials in India introduced western education, legal procedures and social change Some social changes were to end slavery and the caste system British also sought to improve the women’s role in the family
British East India Company
Sepoy’s British required sepoys, Indian troops, to serve in India and overseas Travel overseas violated high-caste Hindus religion British gave sepoys gun cartridges which had pig or cow fat on it which was against Hindu and Muslim religion Sepoy’s refused to load rifles, so they were dismissed without pay
Sepoy Rebellion Sepoys rebelled against the British Sepoys brutally massacred British men, women and children British crushed the revolt and took revenge by killing thousands of unarmed Indians
Review What does western ideas refer to? What was the purpose of the British East India Company? Why was changing social situations an issue in India? What is a sepoy? Why did the sepoy’s rebel against the British?