English 3 Unit: Fahrenheit 451 Unit 2: Day 10 English 3 Unit: Fahrenheit 451
Please take out your completed homework from pages 67-85 Think about this quote by Faber from our last reading. “The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies.” What does Faber mean by this quote? What kind of figurative language device is he using? Can you think of examples of each kind of author that Faber is talking about?
Agenda Warm-up: Journal Reading Quiz pages 67-85 Read pages 85-94 Homework: none if you behave. Lots if you don’t
cloze reading: pages 85-94 This is a listening and comprehension strategy. By cloze reading, you are showing Ms. Cole you are following along. Following along will ensure you are earning your 5pts for a daily participation grade. How to CLOZE read: As Ms. Cole reads, she will occasionally pause and expect you as a class to fill in the word for her. You must be prompt to ensure you are saying the word on time.
Ticket out the door Exit ticket: Reading response journal. Choose three different sentence starters from three different categories