The Reading Process
WHAT IS READING? Reading is a tool. Reading is a skill. Reading is an ability.
WHY DO YOU READ? Enjoyment Information Meaning Depth Beauty Ease
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU READ? 1. Close your eyes. 2. Think about what happens when you read a good book. 3. Try to see the steps you take as you read a book. 4. Next, sketch or write what happens when you read. 5. Then, after you have finished, think about what your sketch tells you about the way you read.
Before Reading Strategies The Reading Process Before Reading Strategies
Set a purpose What is your reason for reading? That is your purpose. HINT: It is a great idea to put your reading purpose into a question. What do I want or need to know about the subject? What will I do with the information?
Preview the reading Preview titles, headings, bold and italicized words, pictures, and graphics. What do these text features and formatting techniques suggest the passage will be about?
Preview the reading Look at the source, author, publication date. What does this information suggest about the content? Is this information from a reliable source? Is this information current?
Preview the reading Read the first and last paragraphs of a section. What is the passage’s purpose? How is the passage organized?
Plan a Strategy Choose a tool to help you be an active reader: Note taking Note cards Graphic organizers
During Reading Strategies The Reading Process During Reading Strategies
Read With a Purpose Pause occasionally to check your comprehension and to let the ideas sink in. What information am I getting out of this passage? Am I achieving my goals?
Read with a Purpose Compare the content to your purpose. Were my predictions about the content right? How should I revise my old predictions? What new predictions can I make?
Create Personal Connections Activate and link prior knowledge. What do I already know about the subject? Do I have related experiences I can relate to this new information?
Read with a Purpose Keep going even if you don’t understand a part here and there. Is this part going to keep me from understanding the rest of the passage, or can I go on without it? Do I need help with a word or concept that is confusing me? Do I need to mark a section I don’t understand?
Read with a Purpose Reread a section if you get completely lost. Read confusing sections aloud, at a slower pace, or both. Have I used independent strategies to help myself?
Ask someone to help you understand a difficult section. Read with a Purpose Ask someone to help you understand a difficult section.
After Reading Strategies The Reading Process After Reading Strategies
Pause and Reflect Reflect on what you read. Did that passage say what I expected? Which predictions had to be revised? Why? Did the text reinforce or contradict my prior knowledge? What was the main idea of that passage?
Remember What You Have Learned Think about and write new questions you have on the topic. What else do I need or want to know about his topic? How does this information relate to my life or my future? Be an active learner. Write a summary to help you clarify and recall main ideas. Use a graphic organizer. Talk to someone about what you have read.