Starter 8/23/18 Pick up your sketchbooks from last time. Make sure you have your first name, last name, class period, jewelry, and book 1 listed on your first sketchbook. If you did not finish your sketchbook from last time get right to work on your sketchbook. If you were not here last time please see the teacher during work time to get you set up.
Jewelry Safety First
Agenda Review of last time Disclosure statement due Safety first discussion (take notes in book) What is a symbol
Last Time! We made our book We handed out the disclosure for this class and assigned the due date for today. If you were not here last time it is your responsibility to know the material you missed. See the classroom website for more information.
Electronic device signal During this time electronic Devices are prohibited. This means cell phones should be put away Headphones should be out and down. Eyes should be on the teacher not looking down unless to take a note about something.
Required Materials & Fees Students will need to bring a pencil to class daily for writing in class & daily sketches. Fees: Students are required to pay a fee for this course. $15 – for students or $7 – for students with fee waver
Raise your hand now if you have any questions… This is the time to ask questions about what we have covered. Raise your hand now if you have any questions…
Safety First! You will be working with a number of tools that need to be used appropriately to be safe. In order to do this you must first pass the safety test.
Glue First we will work with glue. Rubber cement is flammable and toxic if used incorrectly. Keep all glue in the main area of the classroom where it is well ventilated and away from any open flames.
Drill Next we will be working with an industrial drill. First you must keep your hands out of the way while drilling.
Drill Second you must have on safety glasses while drilling at all times.
Drill Lastly only two people can be in the lab drilling at a time so take turns.
Sawing You will need three tools while sawing your metal. ALWAYS CUT AWAY FROM YOURSELF! A clamp A piece of wood to clamp down to your desk A saw
Filing After your piece has been cut out you need to file and sand it so it will not longer have sharp edges. Start with files than move to sand paper.
Polishing Once you have filed and sanded your piece you will be ready to polish. Only two people can polish in the lab at one time.
Polishing First do not have on any long jewelry or loose clothing that can be caught in the polisher. Second you will need to put a polish on the wheel. Last turn on the wheel and start polishing. Note: It can get hot so if you need to use a clamp to polish.
How will you hang your piece? You need to make a hole in your piece in order to hang it. You will add a jump ring once done.
Activity 1 You have 5 min. to list as many things that you like as you can. At the top of page 2 You should have a minimum of 5 things listed at the end of five min. Leave lots of room at the bottom of page 3 for your drawings.
How to create meaning in your art? What is a symbol? How to create meaning in your art?
Symbol On page 1 of book 1 under the website & my e-mail info write terms Our first term in the book is symbol A thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
Coat of Arms
What do these symbols mean? How do we know they mean what we think? Modern Symbols What do these symbols mean? How do we know they mean what we think?
Cell phone symbols
Open Studio Time 3 – 5 sketches of ideas for your symbol In pencil on page 3 in your sketchbook Symbol ideas can be anything that you think represents you Be original (don’t copy symbols that are already out there that’s called plagiarism) Fill the page