Data-Driven Dialogue Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Predict Go Visual Observe Phase 4 Infer/Question Surfacing experiences, possibilities, expectations Communicating ideas about data using visual images and representations Analyzing and making observations about data Generating possible explanations for the observations of the data What are some predictions that we might make? What assumptions might be underlying our predictions? What are some questions we are asking that this data might help us answer? What might we be able to learn from this data? What important points seem to “pop out”? What are some patterns or trends that are emerging? What seems to be surprising or unexpected? What are some things we have not explored? What inferences and explanations can we draw? What questions are we asking? What additional data might we explore to verify our explanations? What tentative conclusions might we draw? What data do we want to convey? What visual would communicate this data most clearly, accurately and completely? What information and labels will we need to provide to the visual to ensure that the data represented is clear? Tell the participants that they will be engaging in a 4 phase Data-Driven Dialogue, and that this dialogue is at the heart of collaborative inquiry. Explain that the Data-Driven Dialogue is adapted from the work of Bruce Wellman and Laura Lipton in their book “Data Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry” published by Mira Via Press. Review the graphic above with the group in general: 4 phases, key words, and key activities. Have them note the general questions under each phase. Tell participants that not only do they have an individual handout for this slide, but also that each table group has a table card available for reference at any time during the sessions. Explain that the role of the dialogue monitor will be critical to assisting the group in staying with the appropriate phase of the dialogue. They should assign a dialogue monitor role now if they have not yet done so. Adapted from Wellman, B., & Lipton, L., 2004 Data-Driven Dialogue: A Facilitator’s Guide to Collaborative Inquiry. Sherman, CT: MiraVia LLC. Permission pending.