How To Be Successful in Mrs. Reyna’s World History Class Your guide to the class syllabus
Teacher Web Notes, assignments, textbook login info and other important information will be posted on my Teacher Web Page. It is updated often. My webpage: Insert a map of your country.
I enter grades several times a week. Grading Policy Daily Assignments: 40% Homework,Daily Focus: 10% Tests/DBQs/Projects: 50% ***Homework = EVEN dates ***Tests = ODD dates I enter grades several times a week. **Remember to let your parents know that grades are updated on Parent Portal over night. Grade changes will not appear instantly. Insert a map of your country.
Required Supplies 3-subject spiral notebook NO COMPOSITION BOOKS ; any color; will be kept in the classroom Set of color pencils Insert a map of your country.
Textbook You have access to an e-textbook. You can access the textbook via the Internet OR on the textbook APP. LOGIN INFO: Username: ne + (full NEISD ID#) Password: ne + (full NEISD ID#) Insert a map of your country. CLASS SET OF TEXTBOOKS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR CHECK-OUT.
Student Expectations Be on time and prepared for class. Punctuality is necessary in order to be successful in this class and in LIFE. BE respectful o everyone and their belongings. Insert a map of your country. Do your best work. ALWAYS. NO FOOD OR DRINKS IN CLASS. Water bottles are ok.
Interactive Student Notebooks (ISNs) spiral notebook KEPT in CLASS – can be checked out to study for quizzes/tests Will be graded on daily focus questions and other in-class assignments Insert a map of your country.
Electronic Devices Cell phones are for education purposes only. -no texting, selfies, phone calls, music, etc during instructional time -no charging of phones in class -violating the cell phone policy will result in warnings, parent phone calls, or confiscation Insert a map of your country.
Daily Assignments & Homework ALL WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. All assignments can be penalized 20% for being turned in late. Insert a map of your country.
Tests & Quizzes Tests will only be given on ODD calendar days. You will be given at least one week’s notice before a major test. Quizzes will be announced at least 2 days prior to being given. If you are absent during a test or quiz day, make arrangements to make-up the quiz or test. Insert a map of your country.
Make-Up Work If absent, it is your responsibility to get any missed assignments. Students will be given a reasonable amount of time to submit make-up work. Insert a map of your country.
Text the following code to 81010 to receive important reminders and information for this class. @hd2fa Insert a map of your country.
Signature Page Complete signature and information page and return to me BY FRIDAY. Insert a map of your country.