Test Review Chapters 13-17
Chapter 13: Causes of the Civil War Fugitive Slave Act John Brown Harper’s Ferry Dred Scott Decision Abraham Lincoln Election of 1860 Republican Party Missouri Compromise of 1820 Maine: Free State Missouri: Slave State
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Kansas-Nebraska Act Bleeding Kansas Henry Clay Compromise of 1850 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Uncle Tom’s Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe Angered the North Wilmot Proviso
Write as many terms you remember in 30 seconds from the last two pyramids for additional points!
Emancipation Proclamation Chapter 14: The Civil War Antietam George B. McClellan Gettysburg Gettysburg Address Clara Barton Red Cross Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln Bull Run
Confederate States of America Appomattox Court House Robert E. Lee Fort Sumter March to the Sea William T. Sherman Morrill Land Grant Act Jefferson Davis Confederate States of America Appomattox Court House Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant
Write as many terms you remember in 30 seconds from the last two pyramids for additional points!
Chapter 15: Reconstruction Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan Freedmen’s Bureau Carpetbaggers 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment Andrew Johnson
Plessy v. Ferguson Jim Crow Laws Compromise of 1877 Wade-Davis Bill Radical Republicans Sharecropping Kl Klux Klan Enforcement Acts
Write as many terms you remember in 30 seconds from the last two pyramids for additional points!
Chapter 16: Westward Expansion Homestead Act Frederic Remington “American Cowboy” Transcontinental Railroad Chief Joseph Taos Indian Rebellion
Mining Ghost Dance Movement Sand Creek Massacre Wounded Knee Chinese Exclusion Act
Write as many terms you remember in 30 seconds from the last two pyramids for additional points!
Who Painted this Picture?
Chapter 17: The Gilded Age John D. Rockefeller American Federation Of Labor Haymarket Bombing Knights of Labor Gospel of Wealth
Pullman Strike Eugene V. Debs Henry Ford Andrew Carnegie Monopoly Social Darwinism
Write as many terms you remember in 30 seconds from the last two pyramids for additional points!