FY18 Contract Training June 26, 2017
Contract Utilization Services provided over entire contract period Approximately 8% per month Suspensions
Point of Contact Agency address and/or name changes Organization chart/changes List of Key Positions (name, phone #, email)
Participation Required attendance at meetings and trainings Treatment Availability Website Accepting of clients Admission tracking system
Acknowledgement of Funding Source(s) Give credit to the County on brochures, letterhead, flyers, website, etc.
Reimbursement Billing deadlines 15th of the month at 9:00 am unless falls on weekend then previous Friday at 9:00 am January 10th and July 10th at 9:00 am if falls on weekend then previous Friday at 9:00 am
Fees Fee collection policy approved by the County Fee schedule Fee agreements/co-pays/quarterly reviews
Medicaid/Insurance Medicaid eligibility screening form Medicaid payment as payment in full Medicaid eligibility checks monthly Spend downs/Hardships Explanation of Benefits and denial letters
Insurance/Workers’ Compensation General Liability Insurance Professional Liability Insurance Commercial Automobile Insurance
Licensing and Standard Compliance Copies of applicable licenses DOPL Standards
Conflict of Interest Forms Need to submit to County at least annually Need to submit throughout the year for new hires or if a new conflict arises
Emergency Management and Business Continuity Plan Evaluate plan annually Report changes within 15 days and provide a copy Train staff annually
8. Health and Wellness b. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C: The CONTRACTOR will establish linkages with community resources and related health and social services organizations for identification and referral for screening and treatment of HIV and Hepatitis C.
8. Health and Wellness c. Tobacco Free Policy: The CONTRACTOR will participate in Recovery Plus by following standards set in the COUNTY provider network Tobacco-Free Policy. For all new clients entering treatment, the CONTRACTOR will include the diagnosis of nicotine dependency when evident, or other nicotine diagnosis when appropriate, and will, directly or through arrangement with other public, private for-profit, and private non-profit entities, assist clients in accessing counseling and/or medication to treat their dependence. This shall apply regardless of the method used (e.g. smoking, chewing, e-cigarettes, personal vaporizers, vape pens, e-cigars, e-hookah, or vaping devices, etc.). All treatment services shall be provided in a tobacco free environment.
8. Health and Wellness d. Drug Testing Policy: All drug testing conducted by contractors, vendors, and programs, shall comply with the requirements outlined in Section C: SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER TREATMENT SERVICES of the FY2018 DSAMH State Division Directives, until new Administrative Rule for drug testing is adopted, at which time the Administrative Rule shall supersede this section of the Directives. The DSAMH SFY2018 State Division Directives can be found here http://slco.org/behavioral-health/providers/forms/.
9. Admission Guidelines 7. All clients who are opioid, alcohol, or tobacco dependent shall be evaluated for the use of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) within the first 10 days of services and staff will document the results of the assessment. The provider shall educate the client about MAT options. When clinically indicated and the client is amenable, the provider shall: Include the use of MAT in the treatment plan, and Either provide MAT as part of the treatment, or Refer the individual for MAT
11. Records of Persons Served Under “Evaluation” section: 1. Each client shall have a strength-based assessment. The client remains at the center of all clinical efforts, whether they are Engagement, Assessment, Planning or Treatment. Relevance to the client and their needs should guide each provider in deciding how to engage the client, what information to gather and document, what strategies to plan and how treatment is delivered. While accurate and complete documentation of services and the gathering of information for organizational purposes and other systemic demands are important, they remain secondary to the needs of the client.
11. Records of Persons Served Under “Evaluation” section: With these principles in mind, the assessment shall consist of the following guidelines, where appropriate: 3. Between July 1, 2015 and September 30, 2015, a diagnosis is made based upon the International Classification of Diseases 9 (ICD 9) and/or Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM IV-TR) criteria. From For all diagnoses made as of October 1, 2015 and forward, a diagnosis is made or modified within UWITS, or other approved COUNTY EHR, shall be based upon the International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD 10). In non-electronic records a diagnosis is based on the International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD) and/or Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, Fifth Edition (DSM 5) criteria. There shall be adequate justification for the diagnosis and the assessment shall clearly indicate the need for services.
42 CFR Part 2 HIPAA
42 CFR Part 2 Changes 1. Revised and new definitions • A “lawful holder” of Part 2 – protected information is an individual or entity who has received such information as a result of written patient consent or one of the exceptions to Part 2’s consent requirements, and who is therefore required to comply with 42 CFR Part 2.
42 CFR Part 2 Changes • “Treating provider relationship” means, regardless of whether there’s been an in-person encounter: 1) Patient is, agrees to, or is legally required to be diagnosed, evaluated and/or treated, or agrees to accept consultation, for any condition by an individual or entity; and 2) The individual or entity undertakes or agrees to undertake diagnosis, evaluation and/or treatment of the patient, or consultation with the patient, for any condition. • Both Part 2 and non-Part 2 providers can have a “treating provider relationship”