Atomic Number Chemical Symbol Name of Element Atomic Mass # of _________________ and # of _________________ Chemical Symbol Name of Element # of _________________ + _________________ Atomic Mass
Cu # of protons = ________ # of electrons = ________ # of neutrons = ________ Cu
What is the charge on an electron? negative
What is the charge on a proton? positive
What is the charge on a neutron? Neutral No charge
What 2 subatomic particles are located in the nucleus? Protons and neutrons
The atomic number tells you the number of _____ & ______ Protons and electrons
What subatomic particle determines the element? proton
What is the chemical symbol of boron?
What is the atomic number of boron? 5
How many neutrons in an atom of boron? 6
What element has an atomic number of 79? Gold Au
How many neutrons in an atom of gold? 118
What is the atomic number of neon? 10
What is the chemical symbol of neon?
How many protons are in an atom of neon? 10
How many electrons are in an atom of neon? 10
How many neutrons are in an atom of neon? 10
What is the chemical symbol for tungsten?
What is the atomic number of tungsten? 74
How many neutrons are in an atom of tungsten? 110
What element has an atomic number of 51? Antimony Sb
How many neutrons are in an atom of antimony? 71
What element has 39 protons? Yttrium Y
How many neutrons are in an atom of yttrium? 50
What element has a chemical is Ag? Silver
How many electrons are in an atom of silver? 47
How many neutrons are in an atom of silver? 61
What is the chemical symbol for cesium? Cs
How many protons are in an atom of cesium? 55
How many neutrons are in an atom of cesium? 78
What element has 20 protons? Calcium Ca
How many neutrons are in an atom of calcium? 20