Sources of the Democratic Tradition Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire Witness History Audio: Augustus Becomes Emperor Establishing a Republic In 509 B.C., the Romans broke free of Etruscan rule and formed a republic in which the people choose some officials. Various governing bodies regulated Roman life, such as the senate. Plebeians had to fight to gain political power. With the help of citizen-soldiers, Rome came to control most of the Italian peninsula by about 270 B.C Note Taking Transparency 50A 1 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire From Republic to Empire Rome expanded around the Mediterranean and in the process fought the African city-state of Carthage in the Punic Wars between 246 B.C. and 146 B.C. In the end, Rome destroyed Carthage and gained control of its lands and peoples. In the eastern Mediterranean, Rome regained lands that had been conquered by Alexander the Great. Note Taking Transparency 50B 2 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire From Republic to Empire continued Political leaders and the senate fought civil wars in Rome, and the empire came to rely on paid soldiers who were loyal to their commanders over the state. Julius Caesar became dictator and was killed in 44 B.C., which brought on more civil wars. Octavian became emperor in 31 B.C. and took the title of Augustus. He created a civil service to enforce laws and imposed a fairer tax system. He ushered in the pax Romana, which was a 200-year period of peace. Geography Interactive: Roman Empire, A.D. 117 3 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire Roman Law Roman laws united the empire. Civil law and the law of nations were merged to apply to everyone in the empire. Many Roman principles of law are still practiced today. Color Transparency 4: The Key Principals of Roman Law Witness History Audio: Cicero, On the Laws 4 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire Greco-Roman Civilization Roman writers imitated Greek styles but wrote in Latin. Roman historians recorded their civilization’s highs and lows. The Hellenistic philosophy of Stoicism influenced many Roman thinkers. QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 5 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition: Section 2 Note Taking Transparency 50A 6 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition: Section 2 Note Taking Transparency 50B 7 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition: Section 2 Color Transparency 4: The Key Principals of Roman Law 8 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition: Section 2 Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2) 9 of 10
Sources of the Democratic Tradition: Section 2 Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2) 10 of 10