2. Kill the many-headed hydra. The 12 Labors of Heracles Heracles, Zeus’s son, was given special gifts of strength, kindness, bravery, compassion, and courage by the gods and goddesses. Hera, however, hated him and vowed to punish him. She put a spell of madness on him that caused him to kill his own family. When the spell was lifted, he was horrified and heartbroken. Apollo told him to go to King Eurystheus and do whatever the king instructed him to do as a punishment for killing his family. The king hated him, too, and gave him 12 impossible tasks to complete in 12 years. 1. Kill the fierce lion. 3. Capture the wild boar. 2. Kill the many-headed hydra.
5. Drive away the man-eating birds from the lake. 6. Capture the deer with the golden antlers without hurting it. 4. Clean the filthy stables. 7. Steal the four man-eating horses. 8. Capture the fire-breathing bull.
11. Collect the golden apples protected by the dragon. 9. Fetch the golden belt from an Amazon. 12. Fetch the three-headed dog from Hades. 10. Steal the monster’s cattle.
The Tangled Web of Arachne Arachne was a wonderful weaver who grew proud and boastful. She bragged that she was an even better weaver than Athena.
Athena and Arachne competed in a weaving contest. Athena transformed Arachne into the first spider so she could weave all day long.