Third Party Involvement in Conflict Arms embargos, financial sanctions, trade restrictions
Weapons (Arms) Embargos Embargo: official ban on trade w/ particular country Purpose: Signal disapproval of behavior of certain actor Limit resources an actor has to inflict violence on others To maintain neutral standing in ongoing conflict
With a partner: Go to website of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI): What patterns can you see on the list? Any countries on list that surprise you? Any missing that you think should be on list? Choose 1 country on list & find out more about weapons embargoes in place against that country. Record in your notes. [10 minutes] Nov 2016: UN Security Council renews arms embargo against Somalia, Eritrea- (take notes!)
Financial Sanctions/ Freezes Read pg 4-5 of UK’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation Financial Sanctions Framework (Dec 2016) for definition & overview [hard copy handout; also accessed at this link] Go to UN website on sanctions (URL in your reading, under section 1.2) and look at the PDF of the UN’s current sanction list. Choose 1 individual and 1 entity/other organization on the list to take notes on. [10 minutes]
Trade Restrictions Restrictions on trade between two countries Or, frequently, between one target country & a group of other countries (like the EU) Take a look at this example: an update on EU’s trade restrictions on North Korea, May 2016 Korea-update-May-2016 [10 minutes]
Summing it All Together With your partner, using your existing knowledge, these sources, and/or any others you feel are necessary, create an essay outline (plan) to answer the question: To what extent are economic sanctions an effective solution to conflict? Keep in mind the different types of conflict, not all conflict is violent, etc. Turn in one outline per partnership (for a grade). When you’re finished, use your remaining time to work on your just war essay- due next class (be sure it’s printed – no google doc shares please)