-Journal Entry: Pick a Character: -Following the Friar Activity Agenda 9/19-20/17: English 10 SWBAT discuss and analyze Romeo and Juliet through discussion and answering well- structured questions. Homework: Finish reading Act 2 -Journal Entry: Pick a Character: 1)wingman 2)enemy 3)quest 4)rob a bank -Extra Credit: Anime -Read 2.2-3 -Following the Friar Activity -Read 2.4-5
-Complete Questions About Film -If Time: Word Search For Extra Credit Agenda 9/19/17: English 9 SWBAT analyze and compare interpretations of Twelve Angry Men through discussions and well- framed questions. HW: Have a great long weekend! -Review Movie Thus Far -Finish Film -Complete Questions About Film -If Time: Word Search For Extra Credit
Question Sentence Starters: The woman’s testimony is different in the movie because _________. I believe that Fonda was/ was not right to play Juror Eight because _____________. I believe that the movie did/ did not enhance the script because ___________. One change that I noticed in the movie was ___________. I would recommend __________ because ________________. Twelve Angry Men did/did not change my opinion of the jury in Twilight, Los Angeles 1992 because ___________. If I could direct my own version of the work, then I would change ___________.