GEO Secretariat GEO Capacity Building Workshop on the Role of Remote Sensing in Disaster Management 10 – 12 December 2007, Geneva. Imraan Saloojee GEO.


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Presentation transcript:

GEO Secretariat GEO Capacity Building Workshop on the Role of Remote Sensing in Disaster Management 10 – 12 December 2007, Geneva. Imraan Saloojee GEO Secretariat

GEO Secretariat Capacity and Capacity Building Capacity: What is there? What are the gaps? Resources Capacity Building: How does capacity change? Process Support to CB: How can such change processes be supported by outsiders (know how, technology, funding)? Gaps in EO Capacity Gaps in EO Capacity Building GEO & GEOSS GEO CBC OTHER GEO COMMITTEES

GEO Secretariat The path to sustainability for GEO requires a renewed commitment for capacity building and understanding of user needs… GEO Report on progress 2007

GEO Secretariat An integrated approach to building capacity. Infrastructure CB: Infrastructure CB: HW, SW and other technology required to develop, access and use EO … Individuals (Human) CB:Individuals (Human) CB: education and training of individuals to be aware of, access, use and develop EO … Institutional CB:Institutional CB: building policies, programs & organizational structures in governments and organizations to enhance the understanding of the value of EO … … data and products. I³I³

GEO Secretariat Analyze & Interpret Integrate & Use Access & Retrieve Contribute An END 2 END Approach to building capacity for

GEO Secretariat Guiding Principles for GEO Capacity Building DO NOT REINVENT THE WHEEL ! Build on existing efforts and best practices; 1ST THE USER, THEN THE USER AND FINALLY THE USER ! Focus on user needs DO IT TOGETHER ! Foster collaboration and partnership HAVE A HOLISTIC VIEW ! E2E, I ³, in all SBA, at the global, regional and local levels DO IT TO LAST! Enhance the sustainability EO

GEO Secretariat CB WEB PORTAL Outreach Facilitate networking Education and training materials, open courseware and e- learning materials across all SBAs Open source software and training guides (CB0701e) Registries of good practice Registries of Needs Registries of Donors (CB0701a) Links to other portals


GEO Secretariat Providers Needs Resource mobilisation REGISTRY OF CAPACTY BUILDING NEEDS BUILDING NEEDS Register of Good Practice CB WEB PORTAL Survey & other Info

GEO Secretariat A summary of survey findings: Gaps in CB activities Limited awareness and access to CB resources; Duplication of EO CB efforts Need for criteria and standards for EO CB; Lack of e-science infrastructure for EO education and training; Gaps between EO research and operational application; Connectivity inefficiency between providers and users of EO systems; Need for cooperation within and between developed and developing countries and regions; Lack of awareness about the value of EO among decision makers; Panamanian President Martin Torrijos (left) consults with meteorologist Annette Quinn and Director of CATHALAC Emilio Sempres at the SERVIR facility in the City of Knowledge, Panama.

GEO Secretariat TASK: Knowledge Sharing for Improved Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER, CEOS) Output & Deliverables (1) Establish a network of experts to ensure knowledge sharing for improved disaster management, (2) Identify ongoing research and technical development and facilitate exchange of expertise. (3) Establish a Portal

GEO Secretariat UN-SPIDER – Capacity Building Implementation Plan: Activity Support to Capacity Building Activities will include the compilation of information relevant to capacity building opportunities and the facilitation of capacity building, in particular of practitioners and end-users. This activity will contribute to the development of curricula, working with the regional centres for space science and technology education, affiliated to the United Nations, as well as other national and regional centres of excellence to train and educate end users and strengthen national institutions.

GEO Secretariat Seville Roadmap GEO resource-mobilization roadmap aims to position GEO as: –an efficient coordinator of resource mobilization activities, and –an honest broker serving users, produces and potential resource providers.

GEO Secretariat Seville Roadmap KEY OBJECTIVES Sensitize donors to the value of EO and the benefits that building greater capacity for producing and using EO can bring to a variety of users. Strengthen links between the user and donor communities Coordinate resource mobilization for building the capacity of individuals, institutions and infrastructure (I 3 ). Identify likely donors for each SBA and geographic region.

GEO Secretariat Success depends upon the active participation of all GEO Members and Participating Organisations Membership of GEO Capacity Building Committee Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil (co-chair), Canada, China, Croatia, Egypt, European Commission (co- chair), France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Portugal, Russia, South Africa (co-chair), Spain (co-chair), Switzerland, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan. AARSE, APN, CEOS, EEA, EIS-Africa, EUMETSAT, EuroGeoSurveys, FDSN, GCOS, IAG, IEEE, IGBP, IOC, ITC, ISCGM, ISPRS, POGO, UNEP, UNESCO (co-chair), UNOOSA, WCRP (START), WMO

GEO Secretariat THANK YOU Imraan Saloojee GEO Secretariat