Good Morning! Get ready for a couple of group activities (I will group you)
Groups of 5 For this activity you will need to choose 5 roles: De-stapler Colorer Cutter Glue-er (applying glue to object) Glue-er (Gluing object to final spot)
Goal Work together as a group and as a class to make a final product You will be timed (as a class). Clock does not stop until last group finishes Who is faster per 1 or per 3?
Next Same activity EXCEPT Head group is out this round (their stencil died with them) Still need to have a finished product (aka still need a head) Everyone needs to have AT LEAST 1 job BUT they can be different than the last round. Still going to be timed until the last group finishes (and judged on how pretty it is)
What now Graeber??? Stay in your same groups/teams Same activity EXCEPT Your group will now have ALL of the pieces of the body. You will be racing against the other groups/teams in your class. This will be timed. Clock will not stop until everyone is finished Who is the fastest (in per. 1? In per 3? In all the classes!?!?!?!
AND THENNNNNNN Same activity EXCEPT Fastest 2 groups take 1 Glue Stick 1 Marker and 1 Pair of Scissors from the Slowest two groups Will be timed again. Clock will not stop until everyone has finished.
What is even going on RN??????? Each group/team pick one team captain. Team captains will come outside with me to receive further instruction WHEN team captain returns, they will lead you in a task in which there will be NO TALKING ALLOWED. Team captains will communicate to teammates with gestures (ACT IT OUT without any materials) YOU MAY LOOK AT OTHER GROUPS AND STEAL IDEAS FROM THEM Still a timed activity
Grand Finale! Same as the previous activity EXCEPT: Winning Team Captain will become the team captain for the ENTIRE CLASS Clock will stop when entire class has completed the objective YOU MAY STILL LOOK AT OTHERS AROUND YOU TO STEAL IDEAS BUT YOU MAY NOT TALK AT ALL DURING THIS ACTIVITY