Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Puebla’s Monster Newsletter August 2016 Important Dates 8-22 School Starts 8-30 Teacher Workday 8-29 Class materials need to be ready Classroom News Welcome to 2nd Grade! It is a pleasure to be your child's teacher this school year. I will be teaching Reading, Writing and Language Arts as well as Math Science and Social Studies. Please have all materials turned in by August 29, 2016 at the latest. This way we are ready to start our monstrous adventure. Literacy Tip Read everyday for 30 min. Using i-Ready at home for 15 minutes will ensure you succeed this school year in reading and math. Contact Information: Mrs. Puebla- jennifergil@dadeschools.net Class website: http://mrspuebla.weebly.com Jean Wright Teaching the “Wright” Way © 2015
Even and Odd numbers, Place Value, Expanded form, Counting What We Are Learning: Even and Odd numbers, Place Value, Expanded form, Counting Patterns. The Practice of Science. Observe, Classify, Infer and communicate. Using maps and globes, locate the student's hometown, Florida, and North America, and locate the state capital and the national capital. What We Are Learning: Laying the Foundations with the Instructional Routines & Procedures. Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concluded the action. Setting Up the Reading/Writing Notebook Purposes for Writing: Narrative, Explanatory, and Opinion Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. Reading Math Science Writing Social Studies Language Arts Reminders: Make sure students are on time to school each day and with needed materials. How parents can help this week: Make sure students come prepared for class daily. Check homework daily. Check agendas for any teacher comments