COURSE CAPACITY MANAGEMENT AGENDA Introduction of Team Members RBS Update Capacity Management Process oEMT Role oRequired Course Policy oCategories, Holdbacks & Seat Authorizations oActivities and Timelines Screen Demo Q&A
RBS UPDATE oNew Searchable Master Course Timetable Search by subject, course, times, days of the week, instructor, etc. May 1 Admin View released June 1 Student and Public View to be released oCapacity Management of All Courses May 29 Target date for implementation
The Enrolment Management Team (EMT) Role EMT is responsible for the enrolment management of undergraduate courses. All course capacities, including categories, will be approved by EMT annually. EMT has approved course capacities for upcoming Fall/Winter session. Courses reaching approved capacity during registration will follow the EMT process for change requests.
Required Course Policy Every effort will be made to accommodate students in required courses such that their program of study is not extended. Students who need a required course once released capacity has been reached, may be accommodated via a hold back seat that you give by a seat authorization. Important to follow this policy for successful course capacity management
Categories, Holdbacks & Seat Authorizations Some courses have been sub-divided into Categories – most courses do not have categories. Holdbacks oSet to 5% of total seats approved for course. oExceptions: Engineering, Nursing, Midwifery and Bachelor of Health Science holdback is 0% Seat Authorization = Giving of Holdback Seat Example: Total seats approved for course = 100 in Day Term 1 CategoryTotal AvailHoldback CAT CAT OTH20191
Activities and Timelines ActivityDate Capacity Management Screens openMay 29 (Target) Departments review capacities, categories and holdbacks May 29 - June 10 Faculty review of Level 1 course capacitiesJune 1 Undergrad SOLAR registration opensJune 12 Departments regularly monitor courses and grant Seat Authorization per policy Throughout registration and Drop&Add period NOTE: Control WILL NOT pass to instructors when classes begin There will be no reports sent by Scheduling. Requests for capacity changes must follow EMT Process
SCREENS FOR COURSE CAPACITY MANAGEMENT Screens for course capacity management are existing ADWEB screens with minor changes oLimited enrolment statistics by subject/type by course oSeat authorizations by student oUnused seat authorizations Required Permissions/Waivers screens have not changed
Q&A Access for copies of presentation, policies and guidelineswww.mcmaster.ca/uts/ssr Questions??: Contact