Critical Thinking You will have 3 minutes to complete the following puzzle. You may want to go ahead and draw 16 circles on your page – four across and four down. Contiguous means next to or Together in Sequence. No talking or Cheating.
Using six contiguous straight lines, connect all of the sixteen circles shown below.
The Solution
Goals for the Day I can identify, analyze, and apply rhetorical strategies authors use when developing an argument. Step 1: Identifying and analyzing claims Step 2: Identifying and analyzing rhetorical devices I can analyze multiple rhetorical choices an author makes and assess how they work together to create a single argument, purpose, and/or tone.
Quiz Day! Begin with Vocabulary Quiz – Socrative – Bauer2016 When you finish, pick up the grammar quiz and begin. I will put the voice lessons up – try to begin this on your own while you wait for your classmates to begin. We will begin the AP MC quiz together – you will have exactly 15 minutes once we begin.
Voice Lesson - Imagery Consider: The many men, so beautiful! And they all dead did lie: And a thousand thousand slimy things Lived on; and so did I. Within the shadow of the ship I watched their rich attire: Blue, glossy green, and velvet black, They coiled and swam; and every track Was a flash of golden fire. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Discuss: These stanzas from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” show the Mariner’s changing attitude toward the creatures of the sea. What is the Mariner’s attitude in the first stanza? What image reveals this attitude? What is the Mariner’s attitude in the second stanza? Analyze the imagery that reveals this change? Apply: Think of a cat or a dog you can describe easily. First, write a description which reveals a positive attitude toward the animal. Then think of the same animal and write a description which reveals a negative attitude. Remember that the animal’s looks do not change; only your attitude changes. Use imagery rather than explanation to create your descriptions.
Partner – Review – Practice Begin by reviewing each other’s paragraph you wrote for homework. Critique each other. What did you do well? What could you do better? Discuss how each of you could improve and then attempt to edit. When you have completed this, you will be given another rhetorical strategy and you will co-write another paragraph. Remember to explain how the strategy is used to help him develop his main argument. Your goal is to complete two paragraphs prior to the end of class. I want you to be in a somewhat stressful situation. I realize it’s not going to be perfect, but work under some pressure to write the best possible paragraphs you can.
Homework Choose one last rhetorical strategy JFK used in his speech. Write a well- organized paragraph expressing how this strategy is used to help JFK develop his overall argument. Complete the next Albert assignment. Be sure you are caught up with all other work. Make sure you have the tone sheet and the understatement activities in the rhetorical device book finished and bring them on Tuesday.
Tone worksheets Discuss your answer with your partners.