Weekly Writing Prompts: Each week, you will be given a writing prompt to which you must respond. The prompt title should be written on the top line of the page, the date and the page number should be in the upper left or right hand corner, and the same information should be added to the table of contents in the front of the notebook. Each week, you will have 15 timed minutes to complete the 2 page writing prompt. You can have more if you enter quickly and get started, and if you decide you would like to work on it at home as well. All writing prompts are considered classwork and are collected in class every Friday for a grade. Failure to turn in the writing will result in a zero for classwork. Classwork cannot be turned in late. QUESTIONS? Let’s get started!
Write your title and date on your page, then turn to your table of contents and enter the information for this assignment. You will be given a free verse poem to read. Then, you will be given a total of 15 minutes to complete this 2 page writing and turn it in.
The Basement
The Bus Ride: What Happens Next Looking up at me was the man from the bus. Over his head was the title: “Man caught on tape killing wife and kids.” It seemed that I had been right, after all. I fearfully looked around. I had been right about the man’s past actions; had I guessed right about his future actions, including my possible demise? I hurried inside the house and closed the door firmly, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to sleep anytime soon. Finish the story…
TITLE: THE SECOND TIME HE SAW HER He saw her only twice. Once when he passed her on the street, and next when he saw her that night on the news.
Strange Disappearance You and your friend have been raking leaves this bright autumn morning. Taking a break, your friend jumps into a deep pile of leaves … and disappears! Not knowing what else to do, you follow him. Write a story about your adventure.
Write 2 pages about any or all of the following: Write a fictional story about seeing something you should report and discuss how you report it (or not) and who you go to. Write a REAL story where you saw something you either should have reported and didn’t or you actually did report. Write an essay about why this is important to your school and community and propose ways in which you can report activities, behaviors, or items to parents, teachers, or other authority figures.
The Sandman Returns… Option One: Harvey has lived his life, taken his last breath, and has now passed on to be met by The Sandman. Write about him taking over this position. Option Two: Before Harvey is on trial, he has one more dream adventure. Tell this story.
Write 2 pages about your thoughts for the year so far: what you have coming up, your preparations for testing week, and anything else you want to share in reflection of the year, the coming summer, your next year in school, your friends, hopes, dreams, etc... And if it’s private, you can write DO NOT READ at the top, and I will let you keep it private!
"A Long Nap" In the famous story by Washington Irving, Rip Van Winkle escapes to the mountains. While there, he has a strange encounter with a group of ancient, bearded men who are playing a game of ninepins (bowling). Rip falls asleep, but when he wakes up, he finds that 20 years have passed! Write a story in which you wake up in a pile of autumn leaves. How much time has gone by? What is your last memory? How has the world changed?