w wh prefix - un w as in wind (graph) wh as in wheel (digraph) un as in unusual (prefix)
Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 wind wake wood weak week wife water watch wear wheel white waddle wagon wage wait winter wonder waste waist weakly witch whisker quit quiz quite woman whisper worry whale whip quail quiet quote quest quotation waltz wardrobe whistle wedge wealthy walrus wander warmth wolves wholesale PREFIX – un unkind unlock unreal uneven unfair unload unequal uncertain unfinished undecided uncomfortable unacceptable, unusual unopposed unorganised underappreciated unprocessed unaccommodating underhanded uncanniest
wind wake wood weak week R wind wake wood weak week
Handwriting 18/8/15 w w w w w w w wind wake wood weak week 1. I ____ up at 7 in the morning. 2. The _____ blew strong outside. 3. The play house is made of____.
wind w-i-n-d = 4 WIND wind = 1 say spell the natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction w-i-n-d = 4 wind = 1 sounds syllables
emerge or cause to emerge from sleep; stop sleeping wake say spell WAKE emerge or cause to emerge from sleep; stop sleeping w-a-k-e = 3 wake = 1 sounds syllables
wood w-oo-d = 3 WOOD wood = 1 say spell sounds syllables the hard fibrous material that forms the trunk or branches of a tree used for fuel or timber w-oo-d = 3 wood = 1 sounds syllables
having little physical strength or energy weak say spell WEAK having little physical strength or energy w-ea-k = 3 weak = 1 sounds syllables
week w-ee-k = 3 WEEK week = 1 say spell sounds syllables a period of seven days w-ee-k = 3 week = 1 sounds syllables
R a period of seven days having little physical strength or energy the hard fibrous material that forms the trunk or branches of a tree used for fuel or timber emerge or cause to emerge from sleep; stop sleeping the natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction