BOOK RESEARCH: (I.J. page 28) Notes on at least 10 books from the top 100 list that you haven’t read. Include: 1. Title 2. Author 3. Brief Description of the book 4. Why it looks interesting to you 5. Where you found your info. ( – top 100 teen books)
Reading: Tuesday 10/2 “Zoo” Read Pages 85-87 on your own. When you finish, read your own book silently. Make sure you know if you are giving a book talk this week or not by looking at the back board.
Reading: Tuesday 10/2 Draw the “Comparing Literature” chart from page 88 (bottom of the page) on your I.J. page 29. Fill the entire page with your chart. Complete the column for the story “Zoo” When you finish, read silently.
Reading: Tuesday 10/2 Reading Partners With your partner, begin reading The Ruum. Only read through page 92. STOP READING AT PAGE 94. DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER. When you finish reading, raise your hand. I will give you further directions.
The Ruum pages 89-92 Summarize what you read yesterday in a paragraph. I.J. page 30 When you finish, read silently.
The Ruum Read the rest of the story (pg.89-105) Complete the comparison chart on I.J. page 29 When you finish, read silently your independent reading book.