Bell Work November 14, 2011 Is love a more powerful feeling than pain/hate? Why or why not? How closely linked are love and pain/hate? Can we have one without the other? Write your thoughts on these questions. Write at least five sentences.
Bell Work November 15, 2011 Write about a favorite memory you have. Describe what the memory is about and why is special to you. Then write what you would feel like if you didn’t have that memory? Would it matter? Why or why not? Write at least five complete sentences.
Bell Work November 16, 2011 You have six buttons arranged on a table as diagrammed below. By moving only two buttons, arrange them so that they form one line of three buttons and one line of four buttons.
Bell Work November 17, 2011 Yesterday we shared our “Perfect World” poems. What are your thoughts about your classmates’ ideas about what would make a “perfect” world? What similarities and/or differences did you notice? What do you think so far about Jonas’s world? Does it seem “perfect” to you? Why or why not? Write at least 5 complete sentences.
Bell Work November 18, 2011 Follow the directions below to use figurative language to write your thoughts about ideas and characters in The Giver. Write a simile comparing the Community to something else. Write a hyperbole about Jonas’s sister Lily. Write a personification of Jonas’s feelings about something specific in the book (your choice).