Day 1- Political Parties and Adams
Early Presidents Organizer Please complete the following: doesn’t have to be in chart form Don’t forget to address the significance of key events WASH. Key Events Bill of Rights Hamilton’s Financial Plan (objectives and policies) Whiskey Rebellion Neutrality Proclamation Jay’s Treaty Farewell Address Big Idea: Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Lesson Learned from Presidency
Adams - XYZ Affair France was furious about Jay’s Treaty and began seizing defenseless American merchant ships. Adams sent three representatives (including John Marshall) to France, where they were approached by three agents, “X,” “Y,” and “Z,” who demanded a bribe before talks could begin. They refused and returned to America, cheered as having done the right thing.
Quasi-War with France Domestic action Federalists in control The Alien and Sedition Acts (1798) Naturalization Act Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act Sedition Act Kentucky and Virginia Resolves Written by Jefferson and Madison 1798 – All trade suspended with France Privateering authorized Department of the Navy created
Adams - Alien and Sedition Acts Alien Laws – raised the residence requirements for citizenship from five to fourteen years. Also, the president could deport dangerous foreigners during peacetime and jail them during times of war. Sedition Act - anyone who impeded the policies of the government or falsely defamed its officials, including the president, would be liable to a heavy fine and imprisonment
Adams - KY and VA Resolutions Since the states made the federal government, the states reserve the right to nullify those federal laws. “compact theory,” “states’ rights theory,” or “nullification.”
Early Presidents Organizer Please complete the following: doesn’t have to be in chart form Don’t forget to address the significance of key events WASH. ADAMS Key Events Bill of Rights Hamilton’s Financial Plan (objectives and policies) Whiskey Rebellion Neutrality Proclamation Jay’s Treaty Farewell Address Development of political parties XYZ Affair Alien and Sedition Acts KY and VA Resolutions Big Idea: Domestic Policy Foreign Policy Lesson Learned from Presidency
APUSH EXAM Multiple Choice Questions 55 minutes - 55 multiple choice items- no time updates Section I, Part B: Short-Answer Questions 50 minutes- 4 short-answer questions- no time updates Section II, Free Response Questions 90 minutes- DBQ which is Question #1, AND one of the long-essay questions selected from Question #2 OR Question #3. The College Board recommends: 15 minute ‘reading time’ during which you work with the DBQ prompt, brainstorming historical details, analyzing documents, and planning. 40 minutes to write your DBQ. 35 minutes to plan and write your long-essay question. For Section II the proctors will Start the time; announce when the 15 minute reading period is over; 40 minutes later when 55 minutes have elapsed the proctor will announce that it is recommended that you move on to the long-essay; after 80 minutes from the start they will announce that 10 minutes remain; and, they will call ‘stop’ after 90 minutes.
THE NINE HISTORICAL THINKING SKILLS Skill Type I: Chronological Reasoning Skill 1: Historical Causation Skill 2: Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time Skill 3: Periodization Skill Type II: Comparison and Contextualization Skill 4: Comparison Skill 5: Contextualization Skill Type III: Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence Skill 6: Historical Argumentation Skill 7: Appropriate Use of Relevant Historical Evidence Skill Type IV: Historical Interpretation and Synthesis Skill 8: Interpretation Skill 9: Synthesis