Articulating Your Opinions PHILOSOPHICAL CHAIRS Articulating Your Opinions
PURPOSE OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL CHAIR To provide an opportunity for each student to express his/her opinion about a debatable topic. 2. To think critically about an issue and the arguments for/against it.
How to Conduct a Philosophical Chair Propose an issue worthy of debate. Give students time to think about what they know about the issue and compose their thoughts and arguments for or against it. Split the class up into three groups: For Against Undecided. Each group stands in a designated part of the classroom. One person from the “For” side steps forward and gives his/her reasons for being for the issue. Be persuasive. One person from the “Against” side steps forward, summarizes the “for” arguments and gives his/her reasons for being against the issue, answering the “for” arguments if possible. Continue until everyone has had a chance to speak.
At any time, student may switch sides, then explain why they switched.
Ground Rules for the Philosophical Chair You may not interrupt another student when they are talking. You must present your case without insulting or making fun of any other student’s arguments. Everyone must present his/her ideas. You must listen to and follow the directions of the moderator.