Observations in the Science Classroom Skills Check Observations in the Science Classroom
Directions: On the back of your notes guide, there are several different phrases. We are going to start with 1-15. Determine if each phrase is an observation or an inference. Put an O in front of the observations and an I in front of the inferences.
The temperature at noon was 78 degrees. It is a very hot day. The price of gasoline is rising. Bill’s car is very fast. The test was very easy. The candle weighed 71 grams. The test tube felt hot. The flowers did not grow due to the lack of sunshine. The dimension of the card is 3” X 5.” The Amoeba moved toward the light. The price of gasoline is unreasonable. There were three blue rulers on the table. With all of the clouds today, it will probably rain this afternoon. The car is red. The room is very quiet.
Let’s see how you did… Check your answers by comparing them to the next slide.
Answers: O I
Directions: On the back of your notes guide, there are several different observations listed. We are now going to do questions 16-25. Determine if each observation is qualitative or quantitative. Put an L for qualitative and an N for quantitative.
It is light green in color. It tastes sour. One leaf is 9cm long. It makes a loud pop sound. The mass of the computer is 1 ½ kg. It smells sweet. The temperature of the room increases by 8 degrees C. Feels very rough. The plant is short. The veins are 3 mm wide.
Let’s see how you did… Check your answers by comparing them to the next slide.
Answers: L N